Different Types of Marriage Counseling: A Guide

The purpose of marriage counseling is to help a couple overcome a myriad of problems that may be causing a wedge between them. It is also aimed at helping them rekindle their love and helping them communicate in an effective way. There are many different types of marriage counseling that exist that each have the same underlying objective but vary in some or the other way. Here are a few:

  1. Family Marriage Counseling – This type of counseling therapy takes family members into consideration. The family members aid the couple to endure their difficulties and overcome them effectively. In this type of counseling it is important for family members to be present as a couple’s problems may significantly affect their children or other members of the family. It helps them overcome hurdles together. 
  2. Couple Marriage Counseling – One of the most important things to consider is that both partners must be open and involved in the session. Couple marriage counseling helps the couple overcome their issues by being provided with an unbiased opinion as well as guided counseling to communicate effectively.
  1. Individual Marriage Counseling – Sometimes, one partner is more inclined to wanting to fix a problem, and the other is not. You may not be able to force your partner to consider marriage counseling, but you may feel the need to see one to work through your relationship better. For such individuals, individual marriage counseling is recommended. Just one partner can visit the counselor and utilize professional help to learn some techniques to take care of their dilemmas.
  1. Group Marriage Counseling – Group counseling is not very widely used as most couples are not comfortable with talking about their relationship in public especially in the presence of strangers. However, even though this method of marriage counseling is not very popular, it is very helpful. It is very beneficial when either one or both partners need to acquire the skills of expressing themselves and their feelings in front of others. Some couples feel a sense of awkwardness when they’re alone and hence group counseling is helpful. It is also considerably cheaper than individual counseling.

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