Why It’s Important To Have Strong Relationships For Better Mental Health

By relationships, we mean every close interpersonal relationship one can have – be it a friend, family member, or partner. Having and nurturing close relationships is something we all seek at heart. The concept of no person being an island is just as relevant today as it was in the past, even more so with the digital age of distancing. While it is an obvious fact that most of us actively seek strong bonds, did you know that a good relationship is also essential for your mental wellbeing? A mental health therapist will maintain that there is a direct link between the quality of relationships you have and your mental health. Read on to know exactly how are the two connected and the effect they have.

To begin with, social connections and relationships are extremely beneficial for everyone – regardless of the condition of their mental health. Having quality long-term relationships significantly affects feelings of loneliness and alienation. People who are deeply connected with others around them are less likely to suffer from feelings of isolation and the depression that it can trigger. They can usually express themselves better and are great at being emotionally supportive of themselves. On the other hand, loners or people who struggle with forming meaningful relationships suffer from higher levels of anxiety and depression which could in turn negatively impact their physical health as well. Interestingly, in the longterm isolation also seems to accelerate things like dementia. 

Having a strong close relationship, at times, can be better than any psychological therapy. The key is to have deep meaningful relationships and not just be socially connected to a large number of people. Even the biggest extroverts with tons of friends could end up without a single relationship that adds any value to their mental and emotional wellbeing.

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