Benefits of family counseling

No family is perfect and will always have its share of problems and difficulties which need to be handled mindfully to avoid a crisis. But no two people think alike and in a family there are often more than 3 or 4 members, so you can already tell the kind of chaos that is ready to unfold when there is a problem. Finding time for family counselling can ensure that every member’s concerned are heard and dealt with appropriately. Here are a few benefits of seeking help from a professional –

  1. Improved communication: – If a husband and wife are facing trouble, they can turn to marriage counselling. If it is the child’s behaviour that is starting to get strange, we have therapy. However, if the entire family cannot communicate properly which leads to arguments, and unnecessary complexities, family counselling is the only solution.
  • Enhance relationships: – A sibling relationship is almost incomplete without a few tiffs. But if gone unresolved, can blow out of proportion and the tension can stream into every relationship of the family. Similarly, if any two people in a family are not on good terms, it flows through every member and leads to unhappiness. Understanding each other better, through family therapy helps enhance relationships and strengthen bonds.
  • Makes the family happier: – If the idiot box wasn’t enough, smartphones and gadgets have taken up most of our time. Now it has gotten difficult to realise even if there is a problem. Going to therapy as a family, makes you spend time with each other, recognise the issues and solve them. It’s simple, a stress-free family is a happy family.
  • Helps to deal with a divorce: – Even after trying their hand at marriage counselling, when a couple undergoes a divorce, it is a nightmare for the rest of the family. The couples kids, parents or siblings may not take it very well and family therapy can help this cause. The professional can help deal with this problem a little better.
  • Mental and Physical health: – Constant arguments, frowning faces, slamming doors and negativity can really get to a person and affect them both physically and mentally. If a family is one that’s happy, spends time together, talks about each other’s problems and finds a way to solve them, it’s members are usually are healthy and in a good state of mind.

Importance of gay couples’ therapy

Constant argument that ends up in screaming matches, starting the day off by yelling on top of your voices, slamming doors, throwing things at each other, tears streaming down both your faces and locking yourself in your room while you think what the hell has gone wrong. Several couples have seen phases like this and know well enough how hard it is to get things back to the way they were. Here’s where couple therapists can help you and your partner find your lost bliss. Having said that, therapy is important even if you’re not a couple going through a rough patch. Back in the age, this was often looked down upon but the current generation getting more ‘woke’, the paradigm for therapy professionals has widened from just couples’ therapist to gender therapist, gay couples therapist, lesbian couple therapist and so much more. And therapy for gay couples is as important or maybe more important than normal couple therapy as these couple’s face stigma and unacceptance from the world along with all the other problems a heterosexual couple has to deal with.

Earlier, it was never easy to look for gay therapists but now all you need to do is google search ‘gay therapist near me’ and you’ll find what you’re looking for. This is because with the increasing awareness of various genders, and the LGBTQI+ community, people understand the mental trauma that comes with its unacceptance and see the need to have a gender therapist and more such professionals that specialise in making life a little easier and better for the community. Since this article is about same sex couples, read on to find out why –

  1. The intervention of a professional helps both individuals come together and conceptualise their relationship in a better manner. The professional can help them understand, that they don’t have to fight with each other, but together take on the challenges of the world like stigma, coming out to their friends and family and more.
  2. The gay couples therapist can help in fostering improved communication that will lead to the feeling of closeness and commitment to each other. These professionals guide couples on how to communicate more effectively and constructively.
  3. Often, people are afraid to express their feelings to their partner. This leads to emotional isolation or avoidance which in turn leads to an unhappy relationship. As for gay couples, if one party cannot express the heat they are facing from their parents, or the stress they feel to open up, it could result in bitter arguments and spillage of their emotional burden onto the other party which is not healthy. Learning to voice out how you feel promotes intimacy and sharing and brings the couple closer as they together can help each other channelise their emotions correctly.
  4. The therapy session always helps to strengthen the relationship and each partner can use the relationship and the positivity it brings to develop themselves as individuals.

These were four basic points why you should look for gay therapist near me without being shy or feeling awkward. Having said that, if you’re in a relationship but are still trying to figure out what you identify as, the best option is to go and see a gender therapist. Now’s the time to embrace all the seven colours and know that each one is beautiful.

Does Couples Therapy Help in Saving Relationships?

Relationships often need to be taken care of in a very sensitive manner. People only work on improving their relationships when the major damage has already been done. The best things in life are often taken for granted and that’s what people do with their relationships. It is said that problems must be taken care of at the moment they start erupting. However, in a relationship, people often do exactly the opposite. If your relationships are not taken care of properly in the start, they’d later need to resort to a counselling – couple therapy. In a couples’ therapy, they are assisted and counselled by a professional counsellor, a therapist and a psychologist. They help you and your spouse understand the real behind the conflicts and settle them for better. When the two people involved in the relationship cannot get through the problems by themselves, it becomes important for them to seek exterior help.

Now, speaking about couple therapy Mumbai, this therapy is suitable for any sort of relationship –  young, old, dating, married, engaged, mixed race, gay couples, etc. Even though the therapy would be different for all couples depending up on the nature of their problems, the process remains the same. Let’s explore some of the features of couples’ therapy –

  • Highlighting the problems
  • Treating the relationship as a whole and getting both the individuals to participate in a civilized manner
  • Focussing on a solution and trying to find a way to it
  • Establishing the purpose of seeking therapy
  • Understanding the insight of the relationship, individual’s viewpoint as well as family history
  • Listening to both the individuals
  • Sharing a professional viewpoint about the strengths of their relationship
  • Helping the couple get a clear understanding of their relationship as well its changing aspects
  • Improving the communication and helping them interact in a way that doesn’t lead to conflicts

Couples’ therapy has helped many couples in reviving their lost relationship, which means sometimes external help is important to get the lost spark back. So, don’t hesitate; sign up for therapy now!

Depression Therapy | A Must-Learn Concept for Parents

Depression is a state of mind in which there’s a rush of the darkest of your emotions, and there’s no pause. People have forever been going through this but it is only recently that people have started paying more attention to their mental health, which has led to bringing DEPRESSION to the world’s attention. People, especially the younger generation, have started understanding the importance of a healthy state of mind. They’ve started to make it a point to address their mental problems, no matter how little they seem to be. Did you know that mental wellbeing is extremely important in maintaining the overall wellbeing? Despite this fact, there are still many people in the world who think that mental health is not as important a concept. There are still many people who think that depression therapy is just an added expense, and it is only for the people who have extra money. However, it really is not so. To strike off this thought, it is important for the parents to completely understand the concept of depression and the importance of treating this state of mind before it gets worse. Let’s see why it is important for parents to understand the importance of mental health –

As you might definitely know, there are various group therapy activities when it comes to helping people get rid of depression and anxiety. Depression is something you cannot get through by yourself or by simply talking to your best friend. Thus, if you think you’re suffering from depression, anxiety or any other unresolvable state of mind, hiring a mental health counsellor is the best thing to do. Now, for a teenager or any adult to understand the importance of mental health, it is important for their parents to really believe and inculcate the same understanding in them. Parents must create a world for kids in which they can feel everything without any fear and talk about anything without being judged or scolded.

Parents need to make sure that their kids have to voice to put their pain, sadness and worries in words and are capable enough to seek the right help. Mental health is a very delicate issue for the world that doesn’t believe of its existence. However, truly it’s as important and normal as any other health issue, which is why it needs equal attention, no matter what. If you think your child is suffering from any kind of depression phase, you must talk to them and advise them to meet a professional. You can sign them up for one-on-one therapy or group therapy for depression. In these therapy sessions, they will get an opportunity to talk about their deepest fears, weakness and problems. Talking to a stranger is easier than talking to parents, because there is fear of being judged or questioned.

A depression therapist meets many people and listens to multiple problems, which is why they have a good experience in being a good listener as well as adviser. Thus, it is important for parents to tell their kids that it’s ok to feel and think differently. Tell them to do their thing and rest can be figured.

Why It’s Important To Have Strong Relationships For Better Mental Health

By relationships, we mean every close interpersonal relationship one can have – be it a friend, family member, or partner. Having and nurturing close relationships is something we all seek at heart. The concept of no person being an island is just as relevant today as it was in the past, even more so with the digital age of distancing. While it is an obvious fact that most of us actively seek strong bonds, did you know that a good relationship is also essential for your mental wellbeing? A mental health therapist will maintain that there is a direct link between the quality of relationships you have and your mental health. Read on to know exactly how are the two connected and the effect they have.

To begin with, social connections and relationships are extremely beneficial for everyone – regardless of the condition of their mental health. Having quality long-term relationships significantly affects feelings of loneliness and alienation. People who are deeply connected with others around them are less likely to suffer from feelings of isolation and the depression that it can trigger. They can usually express themselves better and are great at being emotionally supportive of themselves. On the other hand, loners or people who struggle with forming meaningful relationships suffer from higher levels of anxiety and depression which could in turn negatively impact their physical health as well. Interestingly, in the longterm isolation also seems to accelerate things like dementia. 

Having a strong close relationship, at times, can be better than any psychological therapy. The key is to have deep meaningful relationships and not just be socially connected to a large number of people. Even the biggest extroverts with tons of friends could end up without a single relationship that adds any value to their mental and emotional wellbeing.

How to bond better with your child

Every parent wishes to have a great bond with their child. To this end, they encourage interactions with them, and even as they grow up, they continue to nurture a positive and strong relationship with their children. However, in many cases, this is not an easy task. Growing up itself is a tough job and many kids struggle to express themselves or sometimes don’t feel connected enough to their parents. This isn’t a situation that calls for a mental health therapist but a good child psychologist can definitely point you in the right direction. If you are someone who struggles to connect with their kid, here are a few things you can start doing to help build that bond you seek. 

Play with them – There is nothing more important than playing with your child, especially when they are toddlers. Playing is their way of interacting and expressing themselves. It is an important activity for a child and by participating in it, you become more than just a parent or a caregiver, you become an accomplice to their playtime. This is essential to lay the foundations of a strong parent-child bond.  In fact, this is why playing is a significant part of group therapy activities for children too. 

Talk to them every day – Talking to your kids when they are small not only deepens your bond but also boosts their emotional and intellectual growth. As they grow older, regularly talking to them and building a culture of discussing your day will work wonders towards maintaining your bond through the ups and downs of life.

 Be their cheerleader – Very often, kids need nothing more than a word of appreciation from their parents. Be an enthusiastic witness to their growth and achievement and actively appreciate their efforts at every step of life. Without overdoing it, credit them for things that they deserve. This will ensure they feel like you are a part of their life.

Spend one-on-one time with each child – If you have more than one child, make sure you spend quality time with each of them individually. While it is recommended to play with all your kids and spend time with them, you won’t develop a personal rapport with any of them if you don’t individually attend to each of them. For older kids, find common interests and encourage them to do those things with you.

Building a bond with your child is not an easy process for everyone and don’t be disheartened if you feel you aren’t making progress. It’s never too late to try and connect with your child in a more meaningful way. If everything else fails, you could always reach out to a child therapist for guidance. 

Find the best therapist for your needs

Deciding to go to therapy is a big accomplishment, so kudos to you for taking a step to a better you! Understanding you have a problem or that you are not equipped to deal with some things is the first and most important step. Now that you have that down, your next step is to find a therapist who is best suited to your needs. Whether it is a therapist for marriage counseling or a general therapist, if you search, you’ll find quite a few options. So how do you pick the perfect one for you? Let’s have a look at a few things to remember while you’re narrowing in on one.

To start off, when you first visit the therapist or before you make an appointment with them, ask them about their certifications and degrees to make sure that they are certified to provide the needed therapy. Be it for family counseling or depression therapy, this is really important before starting therapy as you want to ensure that your issues are appropriately addressed. Ideally, you should first read up on ones that are closest to your home or office. This will ensure that you reach your appointments on time. More importantly, getting there itself should not be a cause of stress because if you’re going to have to drive and be stuck in traffic for hours, you’re very likely to be exhausted by the time you make it there. Also, if you feel like you’re someone who might need to reach out for help through an unscheduled call, it’s better to be upfront and ask the therapist if that’s something they are okay with. Because there are therapists out there that do not entertain unscheduled calls where they might need to talk you through things. At the same time, do not hound a therapist with multiple calls a day and expect them to answer your call in the middle of their other appointments and responsibilities.

Another important thing to ask is if they have experience in treating people who have had similar or the same issues as you. With the mind being such a nuanced field to treat, it is important that the counseling psychologist has repeatedly worked with people suffering from the same issues as this gives them a better insight into your condition. So, you’ve found a therapist that fits the bill, you start your therapy sessions, but somehow you don’t seem to feel comfortable around your therapist, what then? This means that either you can’t seem to trust the therapist with your thoughts and feelings or that the therapist seems inattentive or cold. If so, you need to find someone you can be comfortable around or your sessions what be fruitful. This is because one of the reasons that therapy works is because your therapist is someone who makes you feel comfortable enough to share your, validates your feelings, and communicates with you in a warm and constructive manner.

At the end of the day, don’t be afraid to go with your gut instinct and pick someone who you feel would be a good fit. 

How To Get Through Difficult Times In Your Relationship

These days, it is not unusual for many couples to seek couple therapy Mumbai. And while this is more popular in metropolitan cities of the country, it is an undeniable fact that almost every couple faces challenging moments in their relationship from time to time. Very often, these moments of conflict can evolve into something more serious which could possibly create more rifts between people. On the other hand, they can also provide you with opportunities to address some of the possible issues in your relationship, mutually reflect on them, and work on them to build a stronger and healthier relationship. Here are some ways through which you can ensure you ride the rocky waves of your relationship and emerge stronger on the other side.

Spend more time together – Many couples hope to ride out the rocky parts of their relationship through isolation and silence. In reality they shut each other out during the time they need to be together the most. If you feel you are going through a rough patch, reach out to your partner. Plan date nights and activities to do together. Try and spend as much time as you can together.

Talk to your partner instead of confiding in someone else – During conflicts, there is often an urge to confide in somebody else. If you are in a happy relationship, take the trouble of trying to hold a conversation with your partner directly. Try and calmly state how you feel and be open enough to let them explain their point of view. Avoiding conversations or having them with someone else will only breed further resentment and can be very hurtful in certain instances.

Work on your friendship – No matter what you go through as a couple, your friendship is something that should never suffer. Underneath all the romance, there should always be a strong base of friendship so that you have something solid to fall back on when it feels like one of you has fallen out of love. Now, more than ever, be a friend to your partner and try and truly be there for them. 

Be willing to admit your mistakes – Things like couple therapy will work only if you are truly committed to finding solutions in a fair and just manner. For that, it is necessary for you and your partner to be able to admit your mistakes. Relationships gradually decline when the people involved lose the ability to embrace their shortcomings and refuse to work on their mistakes. 

Take help from mutual friends – If you have a group of friends both of you hang out with together, reach out to them. Plan a trip or activities with them, this will be particularly effective if both of you have spent some good times hanging out and traveling with that group of friends. The idea is to create a safe and happy space for both of you and to maybe recreate some of the happier moments from your relationship.

Whether you are straight or gay couple therapist can only do so much to salvage your relationship. What will truly make a difference is putting in the effort to stay committed to finding a way out of the relationship difficulties you may be facing. 

Things To Keep In Mind While Searching For A Therapist 

Now that you have taken the first step towards better mental health, what’s next? Now, the first thing on your agenda should be to zero in on a therapist that can work with you in two ways – a) help you understand the root cause of your issues, and b) equip you with the right techniques and means to address and manage them better. If you search for a therapist online or at nearby hospitals, be it for marriage counseling or any other issue, you will find a variety of options. How, then, do you pick a therapist from the lot? Read on to find out.

Firstly, if you know what you’re dealing with, look for a therapist that has worked with patients with similar issues. This means that the therapist has valid experience working with issues similar to yours and will be better equipped to help you. A therapist should have valid credentials, when you visit their clinic lookout for their certifications, or better ask them about it. It is completely acceptable if you ask them over the phone before you visit them as well. As with any other medical professional, it is important that the therapist you’re visiting has the right education and credentials as well. Depending on your issue, you will be required to visit them anywhere from a couple of days a week to once a month. If you have any preferences on meeting them lesser or more frequently, communicate your reasons with them so the both of you can work around it. If you feel like you could do better with a longer session, look out for a counseling psychologist that works with their patients on an hourly basis. Lastly, if you have severe episodes and may need immediate attention, a therapist that is reachable over a call as well in emergencies is best suited for you. 

Hopefully, after this read, you have a better idea of what you need to consider before locking in on a therapist. And remember, if for whatever reason, you do not feel like your therapist is the right fit, you could always switch therapists.

Telltale Signs Your Child Needs Therapy 

The rising demand for things like behavioral therapy for children mumbai and in other cities in India is a clear indication that the fast and chaotic pace of our life is catching up with our kids too. While many of us may find it hard to fathom why exactly kids would need therapy, there is enough evidence to prove that kids these days face the kind of stress that none of us have at that age. While there could be a number of reasons for them requiring therapy, it is often difficult to distinguish bad behaviour from signs of mental health issues and behavioural disorders. This is why we have identified a few tell-tale signs that indicate that your kid could benefit from speaking to a therapist.

Poor performance at school:

One of the first things that get affected when a child is going through an unusual amount of stress is their school performance. If you have a smart child you may notice a sharp decline in their grades or a general disinterest towards schoolwork. When this happens with students who struggle to perform anyway, it is often written off as more evidence of their lazy behaviour. The reality however is that any change in school performance could be a sign.

Change in habits:

Can you see a remarkable departure from your child’s regular daily habits? Are they suddenly sleeping too little or sleeping too much? Are they not eating enough or maybe overloading on junk? All of these could be an indication that they should probably seek child therapy. Of course, some belligerent or fussy kids may not have a regular schedule but as a parent you should watch out for the slightest departure from regular behaviour.

Extreme sadness:

It is not natural for children to feel sad or depressed for extended periods of time. Ideally, their gloom should pass if they are distracted or engaged constructively but if your child seems to be worrying too much or is sad for extended periods of time, this could be a clear sign that something isn’t right. In such cases, you should try and talk to them and see if they open up to you. If they don’t, and the behaviour continues, you should seek professional help.

Isolating from friends: 

Most kids love company, they want nothing more than to hang out with their friends and play. However, ever so often your kid may tell you that they don’t want to go out to play or they don’t want to hang out with their friends. And more often than not, this is the case of some juvenile arguments within a group of kids. However, if you notice your child isolating themselves for days on end, deliberately avoiding company, or making excuses to stay away from their friends, all of this is a clear sign that they could be struggling with a mental or emotional challenge.

If you spot any such signs, you should seek child therapy in Mumbai or any of India’s prominent cities. Many experienced therapists in these places now offer specialized child therapy and they are trained to deal with children in a sensitive manner.